Linking MyFitnessPal to PT Distinction


Sep 22, 2023

By Tim Saye

Linking My Fitness Pal to PT Distinction

One question we regularly get asked is, “Does PT Distinction integrate with MyFitnessPal?”

This video tutorial showcases the effortless process of your clients connecting their MyFitnessPal accounts to PT Distinction Software.

Through this smooth integration, your clients' nutritional data will automatically harmonize with your PT Distinction client dashboard.

This translates to reduced manual data entry, allowing you more time to focus on expanding your fitness business.

If you do not want to watch the video, we have added the step-by-step guide below:

To integrate MyFitnessPal into PT Distinction, your clients can follow these simple steps:

  1. When logged into your web portal, they first need to click on “Tracking”
    Linking MyFitnessPal with PT Distinction - web portal.

  2. Click on “Food Diary”
    Linking MyFitnessPal to PT Distinction - Food Diary.

  3. When in the Food Diary, click on “Connect MFP.”
    Linking MyFitnessPal to PT Distinction - Food Tracking.

  4. The MyFitnessPal login portal will now show on the screen. Your client now needs to log into their MyFitnessPal account.

  5. Your client will then be asked for Authorization for PT Distinction to fetch information from their MyFitnessPal account.
    Linking MyFitnessPal to PT Distinction - Authorize PT Distinction.

  6. The connection is now complete.

When your clients track their nutrition within MyFitnessPal, you'll have a clear view of their progress right in their food diary.

To access this information, navigate to your client's Food Diary, and scroll down to find a summary of their meals seamlessly integrated into this dashboard.

It's important to note that MyFitnessPal doesn't permit individual food items to sync directly into third-party software.

However, if you wish to review those specific details from your clients, they can manually track them within the PT Distinction food diary.
